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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:26:58
  • 66

1. Notebook(笔记本电脑)- a portable computer that can be easily carried around for personal or professional use.


- I always carry my notebook with me to take notes during meetings.

- She prefers using a notebook instead of a desktop computer for work.

Phrase: Take notes in your notebook

2. Necklace(项链)- a piece of jewelry that is worn around the neck, often made of precious metals or stones.


- She received a beautiful diamond necklace as a gift from her husband.

- The bride wore a gorgeous pearl necklace on her wedding day.

Phrase: A pearl necklace

3. Newspaper(报纸)- a printed publication that contains news, opinion pieces, and other information.


- I read the newspaper every morning to stay updated on current events.

- The newspaper industry has been struggling due to the rise of digital media.

Phrase: Read the newspaper

4. Napkin(餐巾)- a piece of cloth or paper used for wiping the mouth and hands while eating.


- Can you hand me a napkin, please? I spilled some sauce.

- The restaurant provided cloth napkins for a more upscale dining experience.

Phrase: Wipe your mouth with a napkin

5. Nourish(滋养)- to provide with the necessary sustenance for growth and health.


- It's important to nourish your body with a balanced diet and exercise.

- The baby bird was nourished by its mother until it was strong enough to fly.

Phrase: Nourish your body with healthy food.

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