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vulnerable是什么意思 vulnerable的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:28:33
  • 40


这个词语常见翻译包括易受伤害的、脆弱的、易受攻击的、易感染的等。在用法上常用来形容人、事物或情境的脆弱性和容易受到损害的性质。比如“vulnerable population”指易受伤害的人群,“vulnerable system”指易遭受攻击的系统,“vulnerable position”指处于脆弱地位的人或事物等等。


1. Many elderly people are vulnerable to scams. (许多老年人易受的攻击)

2. Poor people are more vulnerable to illnesses. (贫困人群更容易感染疾病)

3. The company's financial situation is vulnerable to market changes. (公司的财务状况容易受市场波动的影响)

4. The child's fragile health makes him vulnerable to infections. (这个孩子脆弱的健康状态让他容易感染疾病)

5. The computer system is vulnerable to hackers. (计算机系统容易遭受黑客攻击)

6. The building's dilapidated structure makes it vulnerable to earthquakes. (这座建筑破败的结构让它易受地震损害)

7. The organization's reputation is vulnerable to scandal. (这个组织的声誉容易受到丑闻的影响)

8. The country's economy is vulnerable to global recessions. (这个国家的经济容易受到全球性的经济衰退的冲击)

9. Children who suffer from neglect are vulnerable to mental health issues. (受到疏于照顾的孩子容易出现心理健康问题)

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