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零位检波用英语怎么说 零位检波英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:13:23
  • 27

零位检波用英语说"null detection",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到47个与零位检波相关的短语释义和例句。


1. null detection

零位检波翻译为null detection。

示例:Thumb detection in the handle...
- 我得绕过它 - Thumb Detection in the handle...



1. null detector([电] 零位检波器)

2. zero control(零位调整;零位控制)

3. electrical null position(电气零位)

4. electrical zero(电零位)

5. fermi zero(费米零位)


phase null detector ( 相位零值检波器 )


1. The rotation of the Earth is slowing down at a rate of point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero... six miles per hour each day, disrupting the chemical equilibrium in the human brain,

译文:地球自转的时速正在减慢 以每天零点零... ...零,零...。

2. Zero radiation zero volatility.

译文:零放射 零挥发。

3. Four, three, two, one... zero!

译文:四三二一 零。

4. i just figured if you're going to have a treat you should have something that's worth it, huh?

译文:所以买零食... 会买健康零食。

5. Mahoney, see this ear? it's a finely tuned detector.

译文:马霍尼 看见我的耳朵了吗 它是一个废话的调谐检波器。

6. illyria, zero, Cornwall, zero. Nothing but a couple of goose eggs.


7. Zero plus zero equals "Tototo".


8. The parts guy is out of parts.


9. (Video) Zero (sings to the tune of "Day-O"): Zero!

译文:(视频) 零:零。

10. Captain setting destination coordinates. Zero pc?


11. My last number is going to be... zero.

译文:我最后一位数是... 零。

12. i don't have...have any change


13. Zero contamination level. i understand, sir. Zero contamination level.


14. How about last night's nail biter that ended 0 to 0.


15. - One hundred thousand and fifty! - One hundred thousand and fifty!

译文:十万零五十 十万零五十。

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