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链球菌性咽炎用英语怎么说 链球菌性咽炎英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 11:44:17
  • 768

链球菌性咽炎用英语说"  Streptococcal Pharyngitis",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到66个与链球菌性咽炎相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Streptococcal Pharyngitis

链球菌性咽炎翻译为   Streptococcal Pharyngitis。

Other common infections have non-streptococci pharyngitis, acute and chronic sinusitis and intestinal parasitic infections.



1. streptococcal pharyngitis(链球菌性咽炎)

2. streptococcus anginosa(咽炎链球菌)

3. faecalis( 链球菌;粪便性链球菌)

4. streptococcus(链球菌 )

5. streptococcus(链球菌)


1. And along comes pneumococcus or another bacteria, streptococcus and boom, they get a bacterial pneumonia.

译文:随后就感染了球菌, 或其他的细菌,如链球菌, 这些细菌大量增殖,然后流感患者就得了细菌性。

2. Dozens - meningococcal infection, leukaemia, von Willebrand disease, some medications,

译文:有许多 - 脑膜炎双球菌感染, 白血病, 血管性血友病, 呃, 一些医药处理。

3. it doesn't work here. That's why you've got a cold. Here.

译文:我们用抗过滤病原体的细菌 我们这里滋养链球菌。

4. i read about some bad strep cases in Newsweek.

译文:-醒醒 新闻周刊上登过链球菌感染病例。

5. So probably it doesn't matter 50 years from now -- streptococcus and stuff like that will be rampant -- because we won't be here. But if we are -- we're going to need something to do with the bacteria.

译文:有可能50年后这已经不是一个问题了, 链球菌会肆虐, 假如今天我们没有在这的话。但是如果我们在—— (笑声) 我们需要一些东西对抗细菌。

6. And he had Cryptococcal meningitis.


7. Then i'll have ham, cheese and streptococcus.

译文:太好了 那我要来一份火腿、干酪和链球菌。

8. You lose a coral reef, you lose perhaps 500,000 species.


9. if these things wanted to colonize our throats and make us sick, they would get muscled out by fast-growing streptococcus before they could even initiate cell division.

译文:如果这些微生物想占领我们的喉咙 然后让我们生病, 它们会在第一次发生前 被快速繁殖的链球菌踢出局。

10. i've got strep, man. You understand that?

译文:我感染了链球菌,哥们 你明白吗。

11. Diets high in sugary foods cause an explosion of bacteria called mutans streptococci in our mouths.

译文:高糖饮食会导致我们口中 一种叫做"变形链球菌"的细菌爆发式的增长。

12. Get back into bed. You got strep throat.

译文:回床上去 链球菌咽炎。

13. Well it turns out, he didn't have a strep throat.


14. i have so many bacteria to thank... but a special shout-out to streptococcus!

译文:特别鸣谢链球菌! but a special shout -out to streptococcus。

15. Every symptom she had spelled grippe, but just the same, all of those symptoms could have been caused by strep, and uh, if we had waited until we were sure, it might have been too late.

译文:她的一切症状都符合流行性感冒 可是同样 这些症状也可能由链球菌引起。

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