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史料用英语怎么说 史料的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:20:09
  • 33

史料的英语是"historical data",其次还可以说成"  materials",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到33个与史料相关的译文和例句。


1. historical data

史料翻译为historical data。

Chronicle is an informative and entertaining tour into history, beautifully ilrated and full of unbelievable facts.


2.   materials

史料翻译为   materials。

Mongolian people don't have many written historical records.


3. historical materials

史料翻译为historical materials。

These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records.


4.   historical data

史料翻译为   historical data。

示例:That's both historical as well as real data.



1. historiographical(编史\n史料编纂法)

2. Orientalia([复]n.东方史料, 东方文物)

3. historiographers((historiographer 的复数) n. 历史家, 史料编纂者)

4. oguz( 乌古斯;于汉文史料中的乌护;匈牙利)

5. historiographership(n. 历史学家;史料编纂者 (historiographer的变形))


Histories of Dunhuang Craftsmen ( 敦煌工匠史料 )

case history file ( 工程史料档案 )

historiographer ( 史料编纂者 )

secondary source ( 二手史料 )

the value of historical data the value of historical materials value as historical works Of The His( 史料价值 )

Historical Studies of Modern Literature Historical materials of new literature ( 新文学史料 )

Documentology of Ancient Chinese Poetry ( 中国诗学史料学 )


1. Uh, uh, well, uh, more historical data.

译文:嗯 我需要更多史料 Uh, uh, well, uh, more historical data.。

2. - A 900 years old battle report.


3. (Laughter) it's apparently, i don't know, on the record somewhere.

译文:(众笑) 很明显,我也不是很清楚在哪,史料上应该会有记载。

4. This is a European society with literate records, so we know a good deal about the people and their motivation.

译文:这是一个留有文字史料的欧洲社会, 所以我们可以充分理解那里的人和他们的动机。

5. All right, look, y'all, so a buddy of mine told me that last year, one of his professors in them scientific cl told him that there's no historical proof

译文:你们听好了 我的一个好兄弟告诉我 去年 他的教授在一次科学实验课上 告诉他们 没有史料能够证明。

6. Supposedly there's more information out there, but The Nazi War Criminals Library said it's in the care of a private collector.

译文:应该还有些资料 但是战犯史料馆的人说 那些资料是在一个私人收藏家手中。

7. Dumas' last book was a cookbook.

译文:还有谁 指的是《大仲马美食词典》 在提及美食的同时 还加入与美食相关的名人轶事 神话传说 史料笑料 使得该书趣味十足 可读性强 大仲马的最后一本书是本菜谱。

8. On the second day, history tells us-

译文:第二天 这是史料记载。

9. Despite introducing Zen Buddhism, the arts of writing, philosophy, architecture and law to Japan, the relations between the two countries have been tragic since time immemorial.

译文:佛教僧文化、书法 哲学、建筑和法律都由中国东渡日本 尽管如此 两国的关系自有史料记载以来便充满血雨腥风。

10. This is a European society with literate records, so we know a good deal about the people and their motivation.

译文:这是一个留有文字史料的欧洲社会, 所以我们可以充分理解那里的人和他们的动机。

11. i just got off the phone with The Nazi War Criminals Library.


12. The ancient alien astronaut theory presupposes that thousands and thousands of years ago-- even before recorded history-

译文:这种事是否发生过千百万次 远古外星人理论假设 千百万年前 在有史料记载之前。

13. it is critical to learn the state of astronomical studies abroad.

译文:眼下迫切需要的是 各国天文历学的实情史料。

14. i was reading or something.


15. There have been cases that have been traced back for hundreds of years-- so-called mowing devil, where apparently some sort of a devil supposedly mowed a field in a single night.

译文:史料可以追溯到几百年前 所谓的"割草魔鬼" 显然是某些魔鬼在一晚上割了一片地。

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