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信口雌黄用英语怎么说 信口雌黄英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:31:15
  • 24

信口雌黄的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为talk off the top of one's head,还网络中常译为"make irresponsible remarks",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到46个与信口雌黄相关的译文和例句。


1. talk off the top of one's head

信口雌黄翻译为talk off the top of one's head。

Bernardine: look I've been in the skin care business for twenty years and I know what I'm talking about. you must follow my advice.


2. make irresponsible remarks

信口雌黄翻译为make irresponsible remarks。

Be scorned like old men of less truth than tongue.


3.   Arbitrarily

信口雌黄翻译为   Arbitrarily。

Don't take his words as he is talking through his hat.



1. baselessly(信口雌黄)

2. hip shooter(n. 信口雌黄者;鲁莽行事者)

3. orpiment(雌黄 )

4. operment(雌黄)

5. Ratebane(雌黄)


1. You never shoot your mouth off.


2. You always talking. Rashad, get your brother.

译文:你总是信口雌黄 雷 管好你弟弟。

3. Rubbish, that's not what happened


4. Those kinds of people can talk a lot, and you don't have to lean on them.

译文:那种人可是信口开河 口供靠不住的。

5. But now i get to act like inflamed heart is only a "mild side effect." (laughs)

译文:不过我现在可以信口雌黄 But now I get to act like 说心口灼热只算是"轻微的副作用" inflamed heart is only a "mild side effect."。

6. - Well, if you think - - And don't try to lie out of it!

译文:一如果你以为 一别再信口雌黄了。

7. - He's talking through his lips.


8. it is too late and i am too tired to give a about some sant lieutenant's bad version of intrigue.

译文:时间不早了,我已经不想再听 某个信口雌黄的中尉的蹩脚阴谋论。

9. Men are all liars. You never mean what you say


10. Thank you. She'd say anything to sell a book.

译文:谢谢 她为了卖书信口开河。

11. People can say whatever they want in this courtroom!


12. Your tongue rattles too freely in your mouth!


13. But there was also Mr. Hopkins, who was shot by The Magician, and Mr. Selby, who was murdered by Mr. Reddingwood.

译文:为了将知道秘密的雷丁伍德灭口 你将他和潜水艇炸飞 信口雌黄。

14. - Bishop, we need to stay on message.

译文:- 主教,我们不能信口开河。

15. You're so pompous, so spoiled that - That what?


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