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下乘用英语怎么说 下乘的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:41:08
  • 34

下乘的英语可以这样说:inferior,还经常被译作Lower Vehicle,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到73个与下乘相关的短语释义和例句。


1. inferior


We often to the banyan tree shade and playing.


2. Lower Vehicle

下乘翻译为Lower Vehicle。

They cruised down the Nile.


3. Little Vehicle

下乘翻译为Little Vehicle。

They are sitting in the shade of a tree.


4. Hinayana


示例:Southeast Asia is also one of the most diverse continents on planet earth, because you also have 146 million Christians, 149 million Buddhists -- Mahayana Buddhists and Hinayana Buddhists -- and you also have millions of Taoists and Confucianists and Hindus and even communists.
东南亚是这个地球上 最多样化的地区之一, 因为那里还有1.46亿徒, 1.49亿佛—— 大乘佛和小乘佛—— 并且还有数以百万计的, 儒家和印度, 甚至。



They are sitting in the shade of a tree ( 他们坐在树阴下乘凉 )

commuter ( 乘车上下班者 )

inferior vehicle ( 下劣乘 )

Take afternoon flight In the afternoon take flight ( 乘下午的航班 )

Takethenexttrain ( 乘搭下班火车 )

the rest of the passengers ( 剩下的乘客 )


1. i love our rides in the country. Don't you, honey?

译文:我喜欢在乡下乘车 \ 你呢亲爱的。

2. i'm not leaving these passengers!


3. Miles, i'm gonna need to see the passenger list.


4. Our cameraman, who it turned out was a pretty nervous flier at the best of times, actually asked the pilot, before we got on the plane, how long this flight would take, and the pilot -- Russian pilot -- completely deadpan, replied, "Six hours -- if we live."

译文:而我们的摄影师,一个在最好的条件下乘飞机也会犯晕的人, 在上飞机前跑去问飞行员,我们得飞多久才能着陆, 而那个俄国飞行员毫无表情地回答道, 6个小时——如果我们活着到达的话。

5. Didn't you check the passenger?


6. This trip is about us going on boat rides in the sun.

译文:此行是关于我们 要在阳光下乘船。

7. You can relax under the tree after the drink and it's alright to rest in my place also if you want

译文:喝几碗酒到后边树下乘凉 要休息就在我家歇歇都行。

8. Could you use this, sailing into the sunset?

译文:你可以借助这个 在落日下乘船吗。

9. We are the generation to plant it, so that the next generation can water it, and the one that follows will enjoy the shade.

译文:我们是植树的一代人, 这样下一代人就可以为其浇水, 再下一代人就可以在树荫下乘凉。

10. Our cameraman, who it turned out was a pretty nervous flyer at the best of times, actually asked the pilot, before we got on the plane, how long this flight would take, and the pilot -- Russian pilot -- completely deadpan, replied, "Six hours -- if we live."

译文:而我们的摄影师,一个在最好的条件下乘飞机也会犯晕的人, 在上飞机前跑去问飞行员,我们得飞多久才能着陆, 而那个俄国飞行员毫无表情地回答道, 6个小时——如果我们活着到达的话。

11. As they represent the worst kind of science.


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