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新能源事业部用英语怎么说 新能源事业部英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-23 09:08:54
  • 4

新能源事业部的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  CNEBUI,其次还可以说成"  CETC SOLAR",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到60个与新能源事业部相关的译文和例句。




新能源事业部翻译为   CETC SOLAR。

示例:And you've got a dedicated well, and solar power.
and solar power.


3.   new energy

新能源事业部翻译为   new energy。

示例:alternative energy,culture,economics,energy,technology
alternative energy,culture,economics,energy,technology



1. division structure( 事业部结构;事业部制结构;事业部制)

2. superdivisional organization(超事业部组织)

3. new energy resource([能源] 新能源)

4. new energy resources(新能源)

5. home business( 家庭企业;家庭事业部;家庭事业部门)


1. So it turns out that those fuels and technologies exist, and this is an example of that.

译文:所以就需要新能源和科技的存在, 这就是其中的一个例子。

2. Normally, our show homes are pretty typical.

译文:应该说这套房是比较有代表性的 (上海绿地集团武汉房地产事业部总经理李明)。

3. - Momentum Alternative Energy Lab.


4. Utilities are still rewarded when their customers waste energy.

译文:公共事业机构一直因为客户浪费能源 而受到奖励。

5. it's not enough, new sources of energy.


6. Number one-- clean up, change, 'cause vice will just drag your ass back in here.

译文:- 清理,修改, '事业部副只需将你的在这里。

7. You know, that the alternatives just aren't quite there yet, and that's not true.

译文:众所周知,我们已经有了可选择的新能源, 并且那些家伙说的是错的。

8. A, uh, robbery and a shooting early this morning at a Department of Energy research facility.

译文:今天早上能源部研究机构 发生盗窃和枪击。

9. What life does with all this new energy will be the story that leads to us.

译文:生命体怎样利用这些新能源 便是现代世界怎样产生的故事.。

10. i'm creating a newenergy source here!


11. i did get a list of faculty that worked at Momentum Energy Labs back when it was operational.

译文:我拿到了 动力新能源实验室 关闭前的职工名单。

12. i'm here about an incident that occurred at Momentum Alternative Energy Lab when you worked there.

译文:你在动力新能源实验室工作时 发生了一起事故 我是为此而来。

13. Cynic! i created a new energy source!

译文:没错 我创造了一种新能源。

14. And who knows what kind of weapon they stole from the energy lab in Pasadena.

译文:谁知道他们从帕萨迪纳 那间能源实验室又偷了什么样的武器 动力新能源实验室。

15. But by now i'm sure it's being developed by every industrialized country and every big corporation with a robotics division.

译文:但现在我敢肯定它正在开发 通过每一个工业化国家 每一个机器人事业部大企业。

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