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基本收入用英语怎么说 基本收入英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-11 10:58:22
  • 53

基本收入的英语为"primary income",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Basic Income",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到30个与基本收入相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. primary income

基本收入翻译为primary income。

Her basic source of income has been inflation-proofed.


2.   Basic Income

基本收入翻译为   Basic Income。

Others think that taxes should be raised and the increase in income will be given as a basic income for each homeless person.



1. primary income([经] 主要收入, 基本收入)

2. national income accounts(国民收入基本账户)

3. earnings(收入 )

4. income(收入 )

5. proceeds(收入 )


Universal Basic Income ( 全民基本收入 )

universal basic income UBI ( 普遍基本收入 )

universal basic income Unconditional Basic Income ( 无条件基本收入 )

Guranteed Income Supplement ( 基本保证收入补贴 )

Basic Guaranteed Cash ( 年度基本固定现金收入 )

revenue from capital depreciation fund ( 基本折旧基金收入 财政 )

capital construction revenue audit ( 基本建设收入审计 )


1. i've seen scientists who were persecuted,

译文:免职 失去收入。

2. i believe that a basic income would work like venture capital for the people.


3. They really needed the money.


4. Here even written in cipher.


5. Yeah, well, a lot. A very lot.


6. So unless we have really universal and not national basic income, the deep problems are not going to go away.

译文:所以除非我们有全球基本收入, 而不是国家基本收入, 深根蒂固的问题不会被解决。

7. We've got to constrain income, the bonus culture incomes at the top.

译文:我们应该限制收入, 遏制顶端的奖金收入文化。

8. This is what poverty line is -- 80 percent of the family income is just to cover the energy needs, the food for the day.

译文:这就是贫困线以下的生活 80%的收入用于基本生活所需的能量和食物 80%的收入用于基本生活所需的能量和食物。

9. This is what poverty line is -- 80 percent of the family income is just to cover the energy needs, the food for the day.

译文:这就是贫困线以下的生活 80%的收入用于基本生活所需的能量和食物 80%的收入用于基本生活所需的能量和食物。

10. Now, basic income is becoming a very important idea.


11. And the best, more straightforward way i know to do that is some kind of a guaranteed income or universal basic income.

译文:而据我所知,最直接有效的方法 便是设立某种无条件基本收入。

12. We need to seriously consider a universal basic income.


13. UBDi could be a very feasible path for universal basic income in the Ai economy.

译文:UBDI 可以在 AI 经济中 作为全民基本收入的 一条可行性道路。

14. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

译文:我们将国家根据收入水平分类: 低收入,中等收入以及高收入。

15. But when you get down into the lower percentiles of income, your income has to go up much more if the reference income goes up 10 percent, something like 20 percent.

译文:需要注意的是,当你的收入较低时 你的收入需要提高更多 当参考收入提高10%时 你的收入可能需要提高20%。

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