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二维码用英语怎么说 二维码的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-21 14:26:26
  • 304

二维码的英语为"2-dismentional bar code -",其次还可以说成"two-dimensional code -",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到15个与二维码相关的译文和例句。


1. 2-dismentional bar code -

二维码翻译为 2-dismentional bar code -。

Even a person selling vegetables has a QR code.


2. two-dimensional code -

二维码翻译为 two-dimensional code -。

QR codes have other drawbacks.


3.   qr code

二维码翻译为   qr code。

But can a picture or music be stored in a QR Code?


4.   QR

二维码翻译为   QR。

示例:it's got a rental QR code.
上面有提供出租的二维码 It's got a rental QR code.



1. Semacode( 二维码)

2. QR code( 二维条码;二维码;快速回应码)

3. endless.com( 鞋子;二维码支付;无止境达康)

4. Microsoft Tag( 微软商标;微软标签;微软彩色二维码)

5. bidimensional(二维的 )


QuickMark QR Droid The recognition of QR Code Quic ( 二维码识别 )

QRPager Gold Alternate QR Code Generator BeautyQR PRO QR Research ( 二维码生成器 )

ThinkChange qr code Scan ( 二维码扫描 )

Quickpai ( 快拍二维码 )

QR Research ( 电脑摄像头二维码工具 )

QR Code Generator ( 二维码生成工具 )

CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader ( 二维码读取器 )

Google-API The generation of QR Code qr code generator ( 二维码生成 )


1. And that QR code then points back to the same information that we've verified about the fish in the first place.

译文:这个二维码所含的信息 和之前标签的一样—— 那是已经经过查核的信息。

2. And so, depending on the type of product that we're working with, we may use QR codes, bar codes, RFiD tags or other tag technologies.

译文:也就是说 根据我们需要处理的产品类型, 我们可以使用二维码、 条形码、 RFID 标签, 或者其他标签技术。

3. Are you aware of the effect... you have on the average mammalian, Mancunian...

译文:你明白你对哺乳类动物、 曼彻斯特人、二维空间。

4. And then we add a unique QR code to the packaging of the fish.

译文:接着在这条鱼的包装上 贴上独有的二维码。

5. Look at the tension between two- and three-dimensionality.


6. You can imagine ants on one of them thinking it's a two-dimensional universe, not being aware of another population of ants on the other.

译文:其中一张纸上的蚂蚁 认为纸就是它们的二维宇宙, 而它无从知晓其它纸张(二维宇宙)上的别的蚂蚁。

7. So if we move back, this is a two-dimensional typical tree of life.


8. Wait, we're 2 dimensional.

译文:等等 我们是二维的 面朝下倒下 Wait, we're 2 dimensional.。

9. it's actually 2D printing over and over again, and it in fact uses the technologies associated with 2D printing.

译文:技术的本质是反复进行二维印刷, 采用的是二维印刷的相关技术。

10. So if we move back, this is a two-dimensional typical tree of life.


11. And i think that would look quite neat as an X-ray.


12. But networkism doesn't happen only in two dimensions.


13. it's become reduced in many ways to a perception that is two-dimensional.

译文:它在很多方面已经缩减成为 一种二维的感知。

14. And that's the q.R. Code for your bitcoin address.


15. Deepfake is 2-D and image based, while ours is full 3-D and way more powerful.

译文:Deepfake是基于二维和平面图像的, 而我们这个是三维的, 更强大。

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