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两派用英语怎么说 两派的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-12 09:34:33
  • 74

两派在英语中的翻译是"  Factions",在日常中也可以翻译为"two schools",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到49个与两派相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Factions

两派翻译为   Factions。

Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.


2. two schools

两派翻译为two schools。

There are two schools of thought about how this illness should be treated.



1. tug of war(n. 拔河,两派间的激烈竞争)

2. tugs of war(拔河,拔河比赛;两派间的激烈竞争)

3. bipartizan(两党的 两派的 代表两党的 得到两党支持的)

4. yanas( 乘;两派皆承认有三种乘;三乘道)

5. two-faced(两面派的 )


a tug-of-war ( 两派间的激烈辩争 )

THE DOUBLE-DEALER double-dealing ( 两面派 )

Two people finally fight together ( 两派人终于争斗起来 )

tug of war ( 两派间的激烈竞争 )

double-faced Two faced faced ( 两面派的 )

Two pers ( 两派尔什 )

xanthene ( 两本骈派仑 )

duplicitous ambidexterous ( 搞两面派的 )


1. No one religion can claim absolute knowledge, absolute authority.

译文:进行过商讨 但两派那么快就进行相互攻击。

2. if that happens the clan will split and blood will wash away blood.


3. Each school sent out its best fighters in a earth-shattering martial arts battle.

译文:两派精英尽出,数百人剑拔... 弩张 霎时间天昏地暗,鬼哭神号。

4. To get you to join any of the two factions.

译文:让你的加入 两派任。

5. There are only two kinds of painting.


6. if i want to fill the space with equal pieces, without leaving any gaps, i can use cubes, right?

译文:“六边形!” 你们也知道,这个世界分成了 帕普斯和反帕普斯两派。

7. The two opposing leaders, resplendent in their black-jeweled battle shorts were meeting for the last time, when a dreadful silence fell.

译文:两派的领袖,身着华丽的黑宝石军服 进行最后一次会谈 正陷入可怕的死寂。

8. To stop the locals killing each other.


9. And send me two garrisons of men.


10. Heaven became divided into two factions-- the faithful and the renegades.

译文:天堂分成两派: 忠臣与叛徒。

11. Right now, your only advantage is that neither party knows that there's another player that has leverage on you.

译文:现在 你唯一的优势就是 他们两派都不知道 你还有把柄在另一个玩家手里。

12. They're split into two groups


13. There was a fundamental debate whether your people came to rescue us or kill us.

译文:我们两派人争辩 你们是来救我们... 还是来杀我们。

14. After 5 days, the faction leaders pledged to stop the conflict.

译文:5天后 两派承诺停止冲突。

15. For me, that agenda is Reaganism on macroeconomic policy, Sweden on welfare policy and cuts across right and left.

译文:对我来说,这个议题是 宏观经济的里根主义政策 瑞典的福利政策 跨越左右两派。

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