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来犯用英语怎么说 来犯的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-24 08:36:32
  • 804

来犯的英语是"invade our territory",其次还可以说成"come to attack us",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到85个与来犯相关的译文和例句。


1. invade our territory

来犯翻译为invade our territory。

In modern times Turkey guarded NATO's southern flank against Soviet mischief.


2. come to attack us

来犯翻译为come to attack us。

We'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory.



Crime driver In Future ( 未来犯罪驾驶 )

Destroy the invading enemy ( 消灭来犯的敌人 )

to turn out in force ready to attack ( 倾巢来犯 )

incoming ( 你指了指这个来犯之敌 )

The Encroaching Darkness ( 黑暗来犯 )

involving them on future crimes ( 它们涉及未来犯罪 )

Mexican Gold ( 逃犯归来 )

born criminals ( 生来的罪犯 )

Crime prevention more and more More and more crime Crimes more and more ( 犯罪越来越多 )

I committed so cheap ( 我原来如此犯贱 )


1. You and i both know it'll soon be war between us and the Yankee aggressors.


2. if we don't kill everyone who shows up here in about an hour, it's not gonna matter where Bernard is.

译文:我只能保证 若一小时后不杀光来犯的敌人 不管柏纳在哪里都没差别了。

3. You're needed at the crime scene.


4. My cards tell me that there is a high possibility that a route bus will be targeted next.

译文:塔罗牌告诉我 接下来犯人很可能会对交通大巴出手。

5. You know, i just had to make a little pit stop at the crime lab.


6. Them Sioux ever manage to get organized,


7. in that case... it's clear now. The culprit must be Hunter!


8. The computer said if there was an incursion by the Hostiles,


9. Just like all the other enemies that have come before you.

译文:如在你之前所有来犯的敌人一样 Just like all the other enemies that have come before you.。

10. To warn him that the Persians are on the march.

译文:- 波斯人来犯。

11. Let's say Viserys Targaryen lands with 40,000 Dothraki screamers at his back.

译文:想象一下 如果韦赛里斯·坦格利安 带着四万多斯拉克铁骑来犯。

12. Then you didn't have much time to commit a sin.


13. What are you up to, you convicted felon?


14. They will take this country from s to s.


15. General, signals from the smoke towers!

译文:启禀殿帅大人 烽火台狼烟四起 有敌来犯。

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