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放箭用英语怎么说 放箭的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-29 01:03:32
  • 523

放箭的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  shoot arrow,还经常被译作release,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到46个与放箭相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   shoot arrow

放箭翻译为   shoot arrow。

It is the moment in kyudo (Zen archery) after releasing the arrow.


2. release


Eytukan and the remaining HUNTERS bravely fire at the gunships with their longbows.


3.   release

放箭翻译为   release。

He released the arrow, it tore her belly, it cut through her insides, splitting the heart.



1. shoot arrows( 放箭)

2. loosed off(射击\n放箭)


Release an arrow ( 松弦放箭 )

three-finger loose ( 三指放箭法 )

stab sb in the back ( 放冷箭 )

ARROW REST ( 箭置放箭座上 )

Rocket Music Player Rocket Player Premium ( 火箭播放器 )

Rocket Player Premium Rocket Player ( 火箭播放器高级版 )

place an arrow ( 放置箭头 )

Light Strike Array ( 释放光之箭 )


1. You! Go after the archer on the roof!

译文:你们 去追屋顶放箭的人。

2. instead of this running around hiding .

译文:反正我也跑累了 放箭啊。

3. By the order of His Shogun's subject Shinzaemon... we commemorate your passage with arrows!

译文:奉岛田新左卫门之命 诛杀你等 放箭。

4. the bow, i aim and i aim at him.

译文:我拿起弓瞄准 然后放箭。

5. Shoot the he-dwarfs if they get mouthy.

译文:如果他们俩再多嘴 你就放箭射他们.。

6. Why don't you just shoot me, then?

译文:- 那你就放箭啊。

7. Shall i give the order, sir?

译文:我可以下令放箭了吗 长官。

8. Don't stop or i will shoot!


9. He's rumored to have loosed the arrow that felled the great King Darius himself.

译文:据说就是他放箭... 杀了吾王大流士。

10. So, there was this signal for Jean-Louis to say, "i am ready to shoot. "

译文:路易斯会给我们一个信号 表示他准备好放箭了。

11. Men were discussing important issues, you dare to remove the arrow.

译文:男人谈事情呢 居然敢放箭。

12. True love means someone should sneak up and stabs the groom in the back.

译文:像我们这种背后放箭的 才叫做真爱。

13. The Qin archers are like artillery intimidating the enemy

译文:大王每到一处,必例行放箭 试探敌情,威慑四方。

14. Li Shih-Min, you can't get away.

译文:李世民,你跑不了 放箭。

15. Gimli! The Ents cannot hold back this storm.

译文:金雳! 放箭! 冲锋。

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