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她是玛丽吗用英语怎么说 她是玛丽吗英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-09 15:15:38
  • 394

她是玛丽吗通常被翻译为"shewere"的意思,其次还可以说成"oh really",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到99个与她是玛丽吗相关的翻译和例句。


1. shewere

2. oh really

她是玛丽吗翻译为oh really。

示例:And who is this very cool guy?
Oh, really. And who is this very cool guy?


3. mar'ie


示例:-Naueiaes in one way or another, naueiaes.
-Nauèie? 在这种或那种方式,nauèie。


4. whosshe


1. shewere( 她是)

2. whosshe( 她是谁)

3. oh really( 真的吗;是吗)

4. mar'ie( 玛丽)

5. mareyse( 玛丽)


1. -She's an unexpected monster.


2. This is Alison. - Are you sisters?

译文:我是玛丽・凯特 她是艾莉森。

3. - You aced your SAT's, right? - Yeah. And remember Mary what's-her-name?


4. Mary, Mary. Mary, Mary. Mary, Mary, Mary.

译文:玛丽 玛丽。

5. - Oh, that's so stupid. Listen to what Mary says. She's a great guide, okay?

译文:听听玛丽怎么说的 她是伟大的导师,对吗。

6. # She Mary J, she don't want no drama

译文:? 她是玛丽? J,她不愿平淡无奇。

7. i mean, what was it? Was it one thing?


8. - Fairy Mary, is this true?

译文:-玛丽仙女 那是真的吗。

9. This is Maria. She wants to work for you.

译文:这是玛丽亚 她是来为你工作的。

10. -i mean, is she the killer or what?

译文:- 她是凶手吗。

11. Well, Mary expects it, doesn't she?


12. - Fairy Mary, are you certain?

译文:-玛丽仙女 你确定吗。

13. Eva, this is Marianne. Marianne, Eva.

译文:伊娃 她是玛丽安妮 玛丽安妮 她叫伊娃。

14. Do you see anything of Mary-Lou?

译文:你见过玛丽. 卢吗。

15. - She's The Cavalry! - She's The Cavalry!


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