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编年用英语怎么说 编年的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-11 00:50:55
  • 765

编年的英语是"chronological order",还可以翻译为chronology -,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到23个与编年相关的释义和例句。


1. chronological order

编年翻译为chronological order。

A chronicle professor, Henry Louis Gates, recently studied a research project looking into 19th century African-American fiction and poetry.


2. chronology -

编年翻译为 chronology -。

He has become a legend in the annals of military history.


3. chronologization -

编年翻译为 chronologization -。

Chronicle is an informative and entertaining tour into history, beautifully ilrated and full of unbelievable facts.


4. annals


示例:Personally i prefer the Spring and Autumn Annals



1. annals(编年史 )

2. chronicle(编年史 )

3. geologic chronology(地质编年学)

4. annalist(编年史作者 )

5. annalistic(编年史的 )


Chronicle ( 编年史 )

The Mutant Chronicles Mutant Chronicles ( 变异编年史 )

Nuremberg Chronicle ( 纽伦堡编年史 )

Goddess Chronicles ( 女神编年史 )

Puzzle Chronicles ( 谜题编年史 )

Across Age DX Adventure Chronicles Across Age ( 冒险编年史 )

The Chronicles of Spellborn Spellborn TCoS ( 魔咒编年史 )

Puzzle Chronicles ( 益智编年史 )


1. Carl Kolchak, Daily Chronicle.

译文:卡尔・高尔察克 编年史日报的。

2. Marcus Luc left us a chronicle of what happened.

译文:马库斯・拉肯约留给我们的 编年史讲述了经过。

3. A good one can take down a king just like a good army can.

译文:一个好的编年史家可以像一名好士兵般 国王并赢得胜利。

4. Following the Death of King Robert i"

译文:《劳勃一世国王驾崩后的战争编年史》 Following the Death of King Robert I"。

5. The suit's a gold-titanium alloy, but... it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway.

译文:谁是钢铁侠? ) 不过作为口号还挺传神的 (编年报。

6. My name is Kolchak of the Daily Chronicle.

译文:我叫高尔察克 编年史日报的。

7. Severian... guardian of chronicles, prepared to get dressed for the battle.

译文:Severian... 编年史的守卫者 准备为战争换装。

8. the device is as ancient as Nagh-Than hisself, the chronicle show it it goes in the center of the machine it is covered with symbols which we think covering warnings

译文:这个装置跟Nagh -Than一样的古老 编年史上说要放置在机器中心。

9. the chronicles tell... that the enemy will expand everywhere, marking the end of ours were... but, also profess the survival of the man.

译文:编年史上说... 敌人将会蔓延到任何地方 与我们纠缠不休...。

10. it's all in the chronicles of that time. No horror story, simply the facts.

译文:这都记在时间的编年史里 不是恐怖故事 是纯然的事实。

11. My name is Kolchak, i'm with the Daily Chronicle.

译文:我叫高尔察克 编年史日报的。

12. But i found the clues that will safely take us through, in the Chronicles of St. Anselm.

译文:我找到了 能让我们安全通过的线索 就在圣安生编年史里。

13. The records stop in 1887 when the Chronicle was founded,


14. So without further ado, let me introduce our new chronicle girl,


15. Let's leave it there and let the chronicler be.

译文:那我们就少说点 然后尊重编年史吧。

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