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水汽用英语怎么说 水汽的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 15:08:36
  • 22

水汽用英语说"  water vapor",还可以翻译为water vapor -,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到70个与水汽相关的译文和例句。


1.   water vapor

水汽翻译为   water vapor。

I have moved from trying to model and understand the distribution and evolution of water vapour.


2. water vapor -

水汽翻译为 water vapor -。

She wiped the steam from her gl.


3. water vapour

水汽翻译为water vapour。

Bodies of water release heat and moisture back into the environment.


4.   aqueous vapour

水汽翻译为   aqueous vapour。

示例:The sun's rays turn it straight into vapour.



1. water vapour(水汽)

2. water vapor(水汽\n[化] 水汽)

3. hydroduct(水汽波导)

4. moisture equation(水汽方程)

5. tension of vapour(水汽张力)


vapour pressure pressure of water vapor Pw ( 水汽压 )

moisture content water-vapor content water moisture content vapor content ( 水汽含量 气象 )

saturation vapour pressure ( 饱和水汽压 )

hydrometeor ( 水汽凝结体 水文 )

vapour tension tension of vapour aqueous vapour tension ( 水汽张力 )

vapour concentration ( 水汽浓度 )

vapour pressure Pressure vapor ( 水汽压力 )

atmology ( 水汽学 气象 )


1. Water goes in the top a food hurricane comes out the bottom.

译文:水汽从顶部进入 一个食物飓风就从出来。

2. Once mated, the females descend back to the rainforest to lay their eggs. A forest that only exists because of moisture rising from the warm Agulhas current hundreds of miles away in the indian Ocean.

译文:一年中的期也只有寥寥数周而已 {\3cH202020}and for just a few weeks in the year. 雨林的形成完全是受到上升水汽的影响 {\3cH202020}a forest that only exists because of moisture rising。

3. The windows steam up if you do it right. Yep.


4. And then when there's enough moisture, it comes back down and it'd kill... everything it touches.

译文:如果遇到足够的水汽,就会 形成降雨。

5. An engineering college in Lima designed a giant advertising billboard that absorbs air humidity and converts it into purified water, generating over 90 liters of water every day.

译文:于是利马市的一所工程学院 设计了一种大型广告牌, 它能吸收空气中的水汽, 并转化为纯净水, 每天能产生超过90升水。

6. Tea only shifted from food to drink 1,500 years ago when people realized that a combination of heat and moisture could create a complex and varied taste out of the leafy green.

译文:它从食品变为饮品是在1500年前, 那时的人们意识到加热和水汽 可以使这种树叶产生出复杂而多变的口感。

7. This river of vapor that comes up from the forest and goes into the atmosphere is greater than the Amazon River.

译文:而这源于森林排入大气的 水汽之河 要比亚马逊河还大。

8. And when it's over your face, you must breathe deeply, so you take in all the vapours, you see.

译文:戴上面罩时, 你得深呼吸, 这样你就能吸收 所有的水汽,你懂的。

9. Pasha is looking for the puffs of steamy air produced by their quarry.


10. Heatwaves and droughts on one hand, directly from the warming, but also, because a warmer atmosphere holds more water vapor with its latent energy, rainfall will become in more extreme events.

译文:一方面,变暖会直接 加剧热浪和干旱, 但首先来说,因为一个更暖的大气层 会保存更多的水汽 和其潜在能量, 降雨活动也将变得 更为极端。

11. The fog is so regular that moisture loving lichens are able to grow on the cacti and they absorb liquid like a sponge.

译文:雾经常会出现 就连喜湿的地衣也能在仙人掌上生长 它们像海绵一样吸收着水汽。

12. Combined with a light spray of water, this can lower the temperature at ground level by 15 degrees centigrade.

译文:由这些冒着水汽的设备一起运作 这样就可以在地面减少15摄氏度的温度。

13. The Agulhas. The Agulhas sweeps south towards the Cape, transporting a hundred billion gallons of warm water every day. These tropical seas are so warm, they evaporate on an enormous scale.

译文:厄加勒斯暖流 {\3cH202020}The Agulhas. 每天输送1000亿加仑的温暖海水 {\3cH202020}transporting a hundred billion gallons of warm water every day. 蒸发出大量水汽 {\3cH202020}they evaporate on an enormous scale. 就会冷却 进而凝聚成云 {\3cH202020}it cools and condenses into clouds. 它们将雨水带到了 {\3cH202020}they bring rain to one of。

14. This precious moisture lies tantalisingly out of reach at the top of the dunes, and it won't last long.

译文:这些珍贵的水汽诱人地弥漫在沙丘顶部 难以触及 而且不会久留。

15. Picks up moisture as it crosses the ocean.


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