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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-05 00:43:51
  • 130

1. 短语的分类:



- 介词短语:She is always on time for class.(她总是按时到达课堂。)

- 名词短语:The book on the shelf is mine.(书架上的书是我的。)

- 动词短语:I need to brush my teeth before bed.(睡觉前我需要刷牙。)

- 形容词短语:The concert was absolutely amazing.(这场音乐会绝对是惊人的。)

2. 短语的用法和搭配:



- take care of:Could you take care of my cat while I’m away?(你能在我不在的时候照顾我的猫吗?)

- come up with:We need to come up with a solution to the problem.(我们需要想出一个解决问题的方案。)

- get along with:He gets along with everyone in the office.(他和办公室里的每个人都相处得很好。)

- put up with:I can’t put up with this noise any longer.(我再也不能忍受这噪音了。)

3. 短语的用途和意义:



- have a good time:I had a good time at the party last night.(我昨晚在聚会上过得很愉快。)

- in the middle of:He interrupted me in the middle of my speech.(他在我演讲的中途打断了我。)

- go on a trip:I’m planning to go on a trip to Europe next summer.(我计划在明年夏天去欧洲旅行。)

- get used to:It took me a while to get used to the new job.(我花了一些时间才适应新工作。)

4. 短语的语法和结构:



- at all:I don’t like spicy food at all.(我一点也不喜欢辛辣的食物。)

- by the way:By the way, have you seen my keys?(顺便问一下,你看到我的钥匙了吗?)

- as well as:I can speak English as well as French.(我会说英语和法语。)

- by all means:By all means, please come to the party.(请务必来参加聚会。)

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