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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-14 04:15:11
  • 830



- Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子)

- The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (有苹果的树下不会长梨)

- The acorn never falls far from the oak.(橡树下的橡子不会飞走远)



- My dad was always calm and collected, and I think I've inherited that from him. (我父亲总是冷静沉着,我认为这点遗传了他)

- My mom was always very organized and punctual, and I've picked up those habits from her. (我母亲总是非常有条理和守时,我从她那里学到了这些习惯)

- My dad was always very hard-working and determined, and I think I've inherited that too. (我父亲总是很勤奋和坚定,我认为这点也遗传了他)



- If you want your child to be polite and respectful, then you need to model those behaviors yourself. (如果你希望孩子有礼貌和尊重,那么你自己也需要展示这样的行为)

- If you want your child to be an avid reader, then you need to make sure you're reading in front of them. (如果你希望孩子热爱阅读,那么你自己需要在他们面前阅读)

- If you want your child to be active and healthy, then you need to make sure you're setting a good example by exercising and eating well. (如果你希望孩子健康活泼,那么你自己需要通过运动和饮食来树立榜样)

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