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总括用英语怎么说 总括的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-22 06:08:43
  • 66

总括的英语为"  gatherintoone",其次还可以说成"  inclusive",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到55个与总括相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   gatherintoone

总括翻译为   gatherintoone。

General Richards sums up the need as reconstruction, development, governance and relations with Pakistan, all wrapped up in a environment of growing security.


2.   inclusive

总括翻译为   inclusive。

The money was part of an omnibus spending bill approved by Congress.


3. 2 "Yiqie" is also a oun. It emphasizes particularly on the variety of things. 4.“

总括翻译为 2 "Yiqie" is also a oun. It emphasizes particularly on the variety of things. 4.“。

When the insurance policy matures, the insured person will receive the capital sum agreed.


4.   unite

总括翻译为   unite。

示例:Hooligans of the world, unite!
世界上的们啊 联合起来



1. in the great(总括)

2. omnibus resolution(总括决议)

3. ovevall efficiency(总括效率)

4. umbrella article(总括条款)

5. umbrella convention(总括公约)


blanket policy floating policy closed policy ( 总括保险单 保险 )

Blanket Insurance package insurance ( 总括保险 保险 )

blanket mortgage package mortgage ( 总括抵押 金融 )

package price blanket price Lump Sum Price ( 总括价格 )

add up to ( 总括起来 )

add up to ( 总括起来意味着 )

becalledbyajointname ( 总括起来叫 )

blanket order ( 总括订货单 )

all-inclusive concept of income inclusive concept of income haha all-inclusive concept of income ( 收益总括观点 )


1. To recap, this, what shall we call him, scholar, sage, or simply cretin, in the BB, reckons they've both been eaten by a werewolf.

译文:总括来说,这一点,我们该怎么给他打电话, 学者,鼠尾草, 简直就是,B&B的估计, 他们俩都被吃掉了一个狼人。

2. in a nutshell, the Soviet's strategic capability for waging nuclear war.

译文:总括来说呢 苏联发动核战的能力。

3. So, i suppose it's covered under the blanket policy.

译文:所以我想应该是划在总括保单里的 So, I suppose it's covered under the blanket policy.。

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