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隙間用英语怎么说 隙間的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 02:41:15
  • 594

隙间用英语说"interstice space",在日常中也可以翻译为"interstice space -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到38个与隙间相关的短语释义和例句。


1. interstice space

隙间翻译为interstice space。

Put a pause of a second or two between successive page hits.


2. interstice space -

隙间翻译为 interstice space -。

Thenardier lighted his pipe, and replied between two puffs



1. gas gap(隙)

2. magnetic clearance(隙)

3. effective gap length(有效隙宽[隙长])

4. lyriform fissure(隙状器;隙孔)

5. die gap(模隙)


waer gall wind gall wind gaw wind dog ( 云隙间断虹 )

microgap welding ( 微隙间隙焊 )

interstitial fibre ( 隙间光纤 )

wind gall water gall ( 云隙间断虹云隙间断虹 )

interlacunarcrest interlacunarridge interlacunarlists ( 隙间脊 )

interstitial ( 隙间的 )

interpore ( 孔隙间的 )

interporosity flow ( 隙间窜流 )


1. Oh?

译文:惕 扂茼蚬猁温隙埻揭镉。

2. You hear that, Oogway? i'm back.

译文:斓泭善賸镉 拫实 扂隙懂賸。

3. The skin on his armpits... and his inner thighs is intact.

译文:死者的腋下... 大腿隙和股隙,都没被火烧过。

4. Little phrases we spit out to give our brain a chance to catch up with our mouth.

译文:是人随口说出的 以填补思考间隙的词语。

5. That's when Neto stepped in.

译文:奈托趁隙插手 This is where Neto would come in.。

6. Oh, my. i've got to get back to the bank.


7. We're going to the station.


8. What happened? Where's Po?

译文:崋系隙岈 陕惘阐賸。

9. Nice to have you back again.

译文:- 婌 竭询倓斓婬隙懂。

10. Watterson said, in his first hiatus,

译文:沃特森说, 在他的第一间隙。

11. My brother falls into a crack.


12. 6 letters, "between the waves."

译文:6个字母 "海浪的间隙"。

13. it's an air-gapped computer.

译文:这是个气隙电脑 It's an air -gapped computer.。

14. And gradually, they eat away larger cracks.


15. - You know anything about that?

译文:- 斓眭耋崋系隙岈镉。

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