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残兵用英语怎么说 残兵的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-29 07:43:04
  • 851

残兵的英语可以这样说:  Remnants,还可以翻译为remnant troops,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到48个与残兵相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Remnants

残兵翻译为   Remnants。

They shouldn't be relied on too far in battle, but can be valuable for chasing down fleeing enemy.


2. remnant troops

残兵翻译为remnant troops。

They were trying to smoke the remaining enemy soldiers out of their hiding place.


3. disabled soldiers

残兵翻译为disabled soldiers。

We put the "general" — big pieces "kill" dismount, and that is what is left of "beaten army", although is "beaten army", but it is much more difficult than the "general" to deal with.



The elderly remnants ( 老弱残兵 )

Remnants of a routed army ( 残兵败将 )

pandour pandoor ( 残忍士兵 )

pandoor pandour ( 残忍的士兵 )

Veteran Affairs Disability Compensation ( 老兵伤残补偿 )

remnants of a defeated army ( 伤残的兵卒 )

single king openings ( 又名单王前兵残局 )


1. it creates a synergy effect when we are together.

译文:是残兵败将 蛇鼠一窝啊。

2. What is left of his army, Rufio, my son and i all of Egypt are waiting for him.

译文:你的残兵、鲁非欧、我两 全埃及都在等他。

3. How long do they think that we old men can go on?


4. in China, defending Hideyoshi second invasion had drained the treasury of the Ming Dynasty and left the vulnerable against the Manchus who eventually ended the Ming Dynasty and established the Qing Dynasty in 1644.

译文:而在中国 丰臣秀吉的第二次侵略 也已让明国库亏空 徒剩残兵游勇对抗满族人。

5. Look at them. The remnants of a fleeing army.

译文:看他们 残兵散勇。

6. it seems a waste to slaughter what's left of Antony's army and Antony.

译文:安东尼的老弱残兵 简直是浪费时间。

7. Those aren't rejects up there. That's infantry.

译文:那不是老弱残兵 是一个炮兵连。

8. The Yeo-jin tribe remnants are gathered there!


9. Stay down, gentle warrior.

译文:躺着吧 残兵败将。

10. if they smell a battle, they hunt the defeated!


11. Maybe Kaden's tired old shtick won't break him.

译文:也许卡登那些老弱残兵 无法让他就范。

12. Leftovers from a Chinatown gang and some ex-cons he recruited while he was in prison.

译文:华人帮的残兵 还有他在里招募的释放犯。

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