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增加增速用英语怎么说 增加增速英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:31:10
  • 22

增加增速的英语可以这样说:increase of speed,其次还可以说成"increasing gear",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到19个与增加增速相关的短语释义和例句。


1. increase of speed

增加增速翻译为increase of speed。

示例:- Dropping speed. ignore Jag. increase speed.


2. increasing gear

增加增速翻译为increasing gear。

示例:Do not touch the landing gear.
Do not touch the landing gear.


3. multiplying wheel

增加增速翻译为multiplying wheel。

示例:♪ The wheel, it settles in my hands ♪
? The wheel, it settles in my hands ?


4. increasing ratio

增加增速翻译为increasing ratio。

示例:- You said 2:1 right for the mole ratio? - Yeah.
你说 Mol Ratio 是 2∶1, 对吧,



1. increase of speed(增速)

2. increase gear(增速装置)

3. increasing gear(增速装置)

4. increasing ratio(增速比)

5. multiplying wheel(增速轮)


1. More each month, more on the way.

译文:逐月增加 愈演愈烈。

2. intensify forward firepower!


3. it grew at two percent when population growth was about two and a half.

译文:经济增长了2%, 而人口的增速是2.5%。

4. Will the number of children increase each year up to 15 years, or will it continue in the same fast rate and be four billion children up there?

译文:儿童的数量会每年都增加,并且持续15年吗? 或者它会保持与现在相同的增速 直到世界上有40亿的儿童呢。

5. - Twenty grand per hour plus VAT.

译文:- 两万块每小时另加 (VAT: )。

6. We can get efficiency up.


7. ? still more feeding economy ?

译文:♪ 经济不断加增 ♪。

8. So let us take that second chance


9. But there's a lot more there.


10. Will the number of children increase each year up to 15 years, or will it continue in the same fast rate and be four billion children up there?

译文:儿童的数量会每年都增加,并且持续15年吗? 或者它会保持与现在相同的增速 直到世界上有40亿的儿童呢。

11. - Of a glossy kind of thing? - Exactly.

译文:一可以增加光泽 一没错 增加光泽。

12. - How about raising the ante?


13. After decades of 2 percent, we are now at 5 percent, and it's going to -- projected -- 6 and 7 percent even.

译文:在数十年间的2%的增速后,我们现在拥有了5%的增速, 并且这个数字还在增加着——预计将达六至七个百分点。

14. ♪ it's a hundred a night plus the VAT ♪

译文:这是一百一 每晚,另加。

15. We're altering course and accelerating.

译文:我们改变了航线并增速中 We're altering course and accelerating.。

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