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泛指用英语怎么说 泛指的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-28 06:05:34
  • 969

泛指的英语可以这样说:  There is a book on the bed,在日常中也可以翻译为"make a general reference",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到92个与泛指相关的翻译和例句。


1.   There is a book on the bed

泛指翻译为   There is a book on the bed。

The patterns, and some of the terminology I'll use, are purposely generic.


2. make a general reference

泛指翻译为make a general reference。

示例:“江湖” 过去泛指四方各地。
The term “rivers and lakes” in old days meant in general all corners of the country.


3. general reference -

泛指翻译为 general reference -。

"You" in this case being used broadly to mean the billions of people who log online daily.


4. be used in a general sense

泛指翻译为be used in a general sense。

示例:Only one man, General Lamarque
General Lamarque



1. generalize for(泛指)

2. panagraphic( 泛指)

3. pantheids( 泛指)

4. Dick Cavette([泛指]广播员)

5. officer corps((泛指)军官,军官队伍)


houses building ( 泛指房屋 )

basis foundation base ( 泛指一切建筑物的根脚 )

majority many ( 泛指多数 )

merchandise ( 泛指商品 )

granary barn ( 泛指粮食仓库 )


1. They were coming out of a ty time... the McCarthy era, Eisenhower era.

译文:他们总是催生在那些糟糕的时期 比如锡时期,时期 [译注: 泛指美国20世纪50年代,具体请google。

2. And the only difference really between me and those people in hoodies down the road with their fat-funded companies, is that i'm not inspired by helping you find Chinese food at 2am in Dallas, or helping you touch your wrist and get a car immediately, or swipe right and get laid.

译文:我跟那些很快就会手握大量风投的创业者之间 (译注: 泛指"大数据"风潮下的创业者.) 唯一本质地区别, 在于 我并不关心如何帮你在达拉斯凌晨两点找到一家中国餐厅 不关心如何让你能够翻个手腕就立刻叫到辆车 不关心如何做身份识别以及如何.。

3. i actually thought that's who i was.

译文:(独立宣言的签名人,也泛指签字) 我还以为我就叫这名。

4. There's a "B" in there, and it doesn't mean "badass."

译文:Lesbians/Gays/Biuals/Transgender/Queer 首字母缩写 泛指五类同志群体。

5. the first al is an homage at their past experience and their love to House music

译文:第一张专辑是为了向他们热爱的House Music致敬 (译注: House Music,4/4拍的混音舞曲,泛指电子舞曲)。

6. i'm talking about man as in mankind, not man as in men.


7. it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


8. These are people who had run out of options, and by all traditional methods they had, they were like modern-day Lazarus cases.

译文:他们用尽了 所有的传统方法, 均告无效, 他们一筹莫展, 而现在他们就像是现代的拉撒路病例。【注:泛指医学上“起死回生”的现象】。

9. So in such a relational universe, if you come upon something that’s ordered and structured, like this device here, or that device there, or something beautiful, like all the living things, all of you guys in the room -- "guys" in physics, by the way, is a generic term: men and women.

译文:在这样一个联系的宇宙之中 每当你看见一些有规律可循,结构完整的的事物 比如这些设备 或是一些美妙的事物,如所有的生命 以及在座的伙计们 "伙计们"是泛指,指的是男人和女人。

10. Taking a step back, the reason there are so many different steroids is because the term refers to substances with a shared molecular structure, rather than shared effects on the body.

译文:退一步说, 类固醇种类繁多的原因是 类固醇这一专有名词 泛指具有共同分子结构, 而非对人体造成相同影响的物质。

11. So in such a relational universe, if you come upon something that’s ordered and structured, like this device here, or that device there, or something beautiful, like all the living things, all of you guys in the room -- "guys" in physics, by the way, is a generic term: men and women.

译文:在这样一个联系的宇宙之中 每当你看见一些有规律可循,结构完整的的事物 比如这些设备 或是一些美妙的事物,如所有的生命 以及在座的伙计们 "伙计们"是泛指,指的是男人和女人。

12. i just meant girls in general.


13. i've written some hillbilly songs.

译文:我写了些歌曲 [hillbilly,泛指美国东南部山区的人]。

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