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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-01 09:01:09
  • 547

1. 发音技巧:



- I need to practice my unciation so I can speak American English better.

- American English has a lot of unique vowel sounds that can be difficult to learn.

- When you speak American English, be sure to stress the important syllables and use the right intonation.

2. 语音规律:



- The word "live" can be ounced in two different ways, depending on whether it's a verb or an adjective.

- When you come across a long word in American English, try breaking it down into smaller syllables to make it easier to ounce.

- It's important to learn the common patterns of American English unciation so you can recognize them in new words.

3. 区别其他英语口音:



- In British English, the word "schedule" is ounced "shed-yool," while in American English it's ounced "sked-yool."

- In American English, we often use the word "apartment" to refer to what the British would call a "flat."

- American English and Australian English have many similarities, but there are also some key differences in unciation and vocabulary.


1. 我需要练习我的发音,这样我才能更好地说美式英语。

2. 美式英语有许多独特的元音发音,学起来可能有些难。

3. 当你说美式英语时,一定要强调重要的音节并使用正确的语调。

4. 在英式英语中,“live”这个单词有两种不同的发音方式,取决于它是一个动词还是一个形容词。

5. 学习美式英语的常见发音模式很重要,这样你可以在新单词中识别它们。

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