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弄丢的英语翻译 弄丢用英语怎么说

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-08 09:37:06
  • 120

1. Lose: to misplace or no longer have something in your possession. (把某物弄丢了)

- I lost my keys and spent an hour looking for them. (我弄丢了我的钥匙,花费了一个小时找它们。)

- Don't lose your phone, it’s your only way to contact me. (别把你的手机弄丢了,它是你联系我唯一的方式。)

2. Misplace: to put something in the wrong place or forget where it is. (把某物放错地方或忘记在哪里)

- I misplaced my wallet and couldn't find it for days. (我把钱包放错了地方,找了好几天都找不到。)

- Don't misplace the files, they are important for the project. (别把文件放错位置,它们对项目很重要。)

3. Drop: to accidentally let something fall from your hand or a suce. (意外掉落)

- She dropped the vase and it shattered into a million pieces. (她掉落了花瓶,它摔成了无数碎片。)

- Be careful not to drop your phone, it's fragile. (小心别掉落你的手机,它很脆弱。)

4. Mislay: to lose something temporarily by putting it in the wrong place. (暂时放错某物)

- I mislaid my gl and had trouble reading without them. (我把眼镜放错了地方,没有它们我就读不了。)

- Did you mislay your keys again? (你又放错钥匙了吗?)

5. Forget: to fail to remember something or to leave something behind. (忘记了,把某物留在了某处)

- I forget my laptop at home this morning. (我今早把笔记本电脑忘在了家里。)

- Don't forget your umbrella, it's raining outside. (别忘了带上伞,外面在下雨。)

6. Misdeliver: to deliver something to the wrong person or address. (把某物交错人或地址)

- They misdelivered my package to the wrong apartment. (他们把我的包裹交给了错误的公寓。)

- The courier should be careful not to misdeliver any parcels. (快递员应该小心不要交错任何包裹。)

7. Leave behind: to forget or accidentally leave something in a specific place. (忘记或者意外地把某物留在某处)

- I left behind my wallet at the restaurant last night. (我昨晚在餐厅忘记了钱包。)

- Don't leave your passport behind when you travel abroad. (出国旅行时别忘了带上你的护照。)

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