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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-30 01:32:40
  • 366



1. The beauty of nature is unparalleled with its lush green forests and crystal-clear rivers. (大自然的美丽无与伦比拥有茂密的绿色森林和清澈见底的河流)

2. Life is like a roller coaster with its ups and downs that test our resilience and determination. (生活就像过山车有起有落考验我们的韧性和决心)

3. Education is the key to unlock the door of opportunities and pave the way towards success. (教育是打开机会之门、通向成功之路的关键)

4. The bittersweet memories of childhood always hold a special place in our hearts. (童年的苦乐交织的回忆总是在我们心中占据着特殊的位置)

5. The power of love knows no boundaries and can heal even the deepest wounds. (爱的力量无所不能甚至可以治愈最深的伤痛)

6. Nature has a way of reminding us of our insignificance in the grand scheme of things. (大自然总能提醒我们在宏大的计划中我们是多么渺小)

7. It is through facing challenges that we truly discover our own strengths and capabilities. (正是通过面对挑战我们才能真正发现自己的优势和能力)

8. The best way to predict the future is to create it through our actions and decisions. (未来的最好方法就是通过我们的行动和决策来创造未来)

9. Time flies like an arrow and it's up to us to make the most of every precious moment. (光阴似箭我们要充分利用每一刻宝贵的时间)

10. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page. (世界是一本书不愿旅行者只读了其中一页)


1. "Practice makes perfect" is a common saying that emphasizes the importance of repetition and hard work in achieving success. (“熟能生巧”是一个常见的谚语强调在取得成功时重复和努力的重要性)

2. In today's fast-paced society it is crucial to have excellent time management skills in order to be successful. (在当今快节奏的社会中拥有出色的时间管理技巧对于取得成功至关重要)

3. Many successful people attribute their achievements to their ability to stay focused and maintain a positive attitude despite setbacks. (许多成功的人将他们的成就归功于他们能够保持专注和保持积极的态度尽管遇到挫折)

4. The ability to communicate effectively is a valuable skill in today's globalized world as it allows individuals to connect with others and share ideas across cultures. (在当今全球化的世界中有效沟通的能力是一项有价值的技能它可以让个人与他人建立联系并跨文化分享想法)

5. Setting goals and creating a plan of action is an important step towards achieving success as it helps individuals stay focused and motivated. (设定目标和制定行动计划是取得成功的重骤因为它帮助个人保持专注和动力)

6. Learning from failure is an essential part of the journey towards success as it allows individuals to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. (从失败中学习是通向成功之路的一个重要部分因为它可以让个人识别需要改进的领域并进行必要的调整)

7. Cultivating a strong work ethic such as dedication and perseverance is crucial for achieving success in any field. (培养强烈的职业道德如奉献和毅力对于在任何领域取得成功至关重要)

8. In order to be successful it is important to continuously learn and adapt to new challenges and changes in the environment. (为了取得成功重要的是不断学习并适应环境中的新挑战和变化)

9. Networking and building relationships with others is an important aspect of career development as it can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. (与他人建立关系和建立联系是职业发展的重要方面因为它可以带来新的机会和合作)

10. Taking calculated risks is often necessary for achieving success as it allows individuals to pursue new opportunities and push beyond their comfort zones. (采取谨慎的风险通常是取得成功所必需的因为它可以让个人追求新的机会并超越自己的舒适区域)


1. Introduction Introduce a topic/issue

For example

Nowadays people have become increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection. (现今人们越来越意识到环境保护的重要性)

2. Background informationProvide some historical or factual information about the topic to provide context.

For example

In recent years the issue of waste disposal has become a major problem in many cities around the world. (近年来废物处理问题已经成为世界上许多城市中的主要问题)

3. Presenting arguments/points – you can present reasons to support your thesis or present aspects of the topic for ysis.

For example

The poor air quality in many cities has led to an increase in health problems such as asthma and lung cancer. (许多城市的空气质量较差导致哮喘和肺癌等健康问题的增加)

4. Counterarguments – address opposing views or provide a different perspective.

For example

While some argue that the development of technology has had a negative impact on social interactions others argue that it has made communication easier and more efficient. (虽然一些人认为技术的发展对社交互动有负面影响但其他人则认为它使得沟通变得更加容易和高效)

5. Conclusion – Summarize the main points and provide a final opinion or call to action.

For example

In conclusion it is clear that we need to take immediate action in order to address the issue of plastic waste that is polluting our oceans. (总之很明显我们需要立即行动来解决塑料废料染我们的海洋的问题)

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