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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-29 15:44:28
  • 346

关于”有关自己变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Change about yourself.。以下是关于有关自己变化的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Change about yourself.

ABC Kill2 gre'gre Native American communication is our purpose. Can I go anywhere? You can go anywhere five talk about our beauties three lovers five talk about our beauties three lovers% what is a Book What is a Book What is a Book What a Book How to explain things in different ways.


ABCD kill2 GRE'GRE美国土著人交流是我们的目的请问我可以去什么地方吗?你可以去任何一个地方五个谈我们的美女三个情人五个谈我们的美女三个情人%什么是书书什么是书什么书什么是书什么书怎么用不同的方式解释事物水我爱你她我的母亲爱我爱你我爱她我想吻你我想拥抱你我迷恋你我会向你展示我的心那是爱的情人伊丽莎白。


"Objective conditions do not change, can only change themselves." seeing this sentence, I realize that this is a truth. As a junior high school student, learning is the most important thing. But I have made a lot of trouble for parents and deal with books all day long.

But this play is necessary. I will adhere to the ancients' saying: fish and bear's paw cake and have it, but I don't believe the fact is, I will try my best to thank fish and bear's paw I want to learn to play all my bags. I don't give up.

But this time I'm wrong. I don't want to learn together. I choose one.

When the moon and the moon study, I want to cover myself and the clouds in the sky and bury myself in the moon and the moon. I want to turn myself into a beautiful girl, bury myself in the sky, bury myself in the sky, and put myself in the sky I have been buried in the sky and turned myself into a star in the sky. In order to change yourself, I still want to change my "objective conditions remain unchanged, only you can change yourself".

Seeing this sentence, I realize that this is a truth. As a junior high school student, learning is the most important thing. However, I have made a lot of trouble for my parents and deal with books all day long.

But this play is necessary. I will adhere to the ancient saying : fish and bear's paw cake and have it, but I don't believe the fact is, I will try my best to thank the fish and bear's paw for giving me all the bags. I want to learn to play and not give up.

But this time I was wrong and didn't learn to be together. In this case, I chose one. When learning from the moon and the moon, I would cover myself and the clouds in the sky and bury myself on the moon and the moon To turn yourself into a beautiful girl, bury yourself in the sky, bury yourself in the sky, and turn yourself into stars in the sky.

For you to change yourself, I still want to change myself.









Changing Ourselves

Every one of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes we may wish to change ourselves and become better. However the truth is that changing oneself is not easy.

Changing ourselves requires both courage and determination. First of all we need to honestly face our own weaknesses. Some people may think that they have no weaknesses but that is not possible. We all have weaknesses which are an inevitable part of human nature. Therefore we need to carefully consider our own shortcomings and weaknesses and then make a plan for change.

Changing ourselves also requires patience and perseverance. Change does not happen overnight it takes time and effort. We need to firmly follow our plan and overcome any obstacles and temptations. Sometimes we may fail but we must not give up. We need to keep trying and believe that we will eventually succeed.

Through changing ourselves we can become better. We can become a better person more confident and successful. Therefore let us summon up our courage and decide to change ourselves

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