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胶粘用英语怎么说 胶粘的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-20 03:02:27
  • 699

胶粘的英语可以这样说:gum,其次还可以说成"adhesive -",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到71个与胶粘相关的短语释义和例句。


1. gum


He glued many envelopes yesterday.


2. adhesive -

胶粘翻译为 adhesive -。

Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.


3.   Adhesive

胶粘翻译为   Adhesive。

A small sign was attached to the wall with peeling Sellotape.


4.   gluing

胶粘翻译为   gluing。

示例:i tried gluing it back together.



1. science of adhesion([胶粘] 胶粘科学)

2. glue off(胶粘)

3. glue connection(胶粘结)

4. Glue Foot(胶粘脚)

5. inclined to puddle(容易胶粘)


adhesive ( 胶粘剂 胶粘 )

DFA film adhesive ( 薄膜胶粘剂 )

adhesive e tape ( 胶粘带 )

adhesive paper glue paper sticky paper adhering paper ( 胶粘纸 )

adhesiveness adhesivity sealability tackiness ( 胶粘性 胶粘 )

sticky tacky adhesive ( 胶粘的 胶粘 )

adhesive faec ( 胶粘剂面 )

adhesive meter agglutometer adhesive e meter ( 胶粘计 )


1. The sizing is glue and water, like ours.

译文:涂料是胶粘剂和水 跟我们的一样。

2. Those desks you're sitting in? i was once superglued to one of them.

译文:你们现在坐的那些桌子 我还曾被强力胶粘在上面过呢。

3. Hey, this is cyanoacrylate.


4. if we can get rubber cement in the bottom of that coffee pot, when the burner goes on...

译文:如果我们能涂点橡胶粘合剂在咖啡壶底部 {\3cH202020}If we can get rubber cement in the bottom of that coffee pot 加热装置一打开... {\3cH202020}when the burner goes on...。

5. We stuck it with superglue.


6. i'm amazed you got them crisp on the outside, gooey and just right in the center.

译文:表皮酥脆 中心胶粘程度恰到好处。

7. The man Super Glued Hershey's Kisses to your s.

译文:这家伙把好时之吻巧克力用超能胶粘在你的上 The man super glued Hershey's Kisses to your s.。

8. Material scientists have figured out how to heal cracks up to twice that size by adding hidden glue into the concrete mix.

译文:材料科学家已经找到了 让修复宽度翻一倍的方法, 即在混凝土混合物中加入胶粘剂。

9. This bone is, um, it's gone quite soft. Gelatinous.

译文:骨头变得很软 呈胶粘状。

10. The result, a four-by-four-inch artificial nano-gecko adhesive.

译文:结果是, 一个四乘四英尺的 人造奈米壁虎胶粘剂。

11. if we put adhesive-filled fibers and tubes into the mixture, they’ll snap open when a crack forms, releasing their sticky contents and sealing the gap.

译文:如果我们将纤维胶液管, 加入到混凝土混合物中, 那么在出现裂缝时, 纤维胶液管就会破裂, 释放出胶粘剂修复裂缝。

12. - You using rubber cement?

译文:使用橡胶粘合剂? {\3cH202020}You using rubber cement。

13. in order to stop this from happening, you must tear yourself away from the seat to which you are glued.

译文:要想阻止这一切的发生 你必须尽力从被万能胶粘住后背的座椅中挣脱出来。

14. Might-E Glue is simply the strongest adhesive on the planet.

译文:或许 -E胶是根本 最强 胶粘剂在这个星球上。

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