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名物用英语怎么说 名物的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-19 01:10:40
  • 982

名物的英语可以这样说:the name and description of a thing -,还经常被译作the name and description of a thing,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到19个与名物相关的译文和例句。


1. the name and description of a thing -

名物翻译为 the name and description of a thing -。

In Einstein's day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.


2. the name and description of a thing

名物翻译为the name and description of a thing。

This week, the eminent Shanghai-born physicist, Dr. Charles Kao, celebrates his 77th birthday.


3. entity noun -

名物翻译为 entity noun -。

I was crushed, because for years I have been determined to become a physical the.



1. nominate species( 提名物种)

2. doson(西村名物;东生;图山)

3. nominalisation( 名物化;化式;名词化的用法)

4. nominalizations((nominalization 的复数) n. 名词化;名物化)

5. nominalizer( 格助词或名物化助词;名语化记号)


nominalization nominal equivalent nominalize ( 名物化 )

nym namesake ( 同名物 )

doson westory ( 西村名物 )

named object ( 具名物件 )

Pierre-Gilles de Gennes ( 名物理学家吉尼斯 )

An Untitled Story ( 知名物语 )

nominalized sentence ( 名物句 )

clausal nominalization ( 小句名物化 )

substantive universal ( 实质名物句 )


1. if you're a physicist you'd know there's a certain Faraday's Law, which says if i apply a magnetic pulse on salt water -- that's your brains by the way -- it'll generate electric currents, and the electric current in the brain can erase a migraine headache.

译文:但如果你是一名物理学家,您一定知道法拉第定律, 这条定律认为,如果我把一个电磁脉冲放到盐水里面-- -比如这盐水就是人的大脑- 它便会产生电流,而且这些在大脑中产生的电流 刚好可以去除偏头痛。

2. Here we were, a physics PhD and an energy journalist with an engineering degree, stumped.

译文:我们这两个人,一名物理学博士 和一名持有工程学学位的 能源记者,被难倒了。

3. And so i'll go on. i'm already out of time, but this is Michael Wigler, a very, very clever mathematician turned physicist. And he developed a technique which essentially will let us look at sample DNA and, eventually, a million spots along it.

译文:我会接着讲下去,虽然说我已经超时了。这是迈克尔·威革勒,一个非常非常聪明的数学家。后来变成了一名物理学家。他发明了一项技术 让我们可以观察DNA样本 和沿着它的上万个点。

4. Leonard, i'm a physicist, not a hippie.

译文:Leonard 我是名物理学家 不是嬉皮。

5. Over 10,000 physicists and engineers from 85 countries around the world have come together over several decades to build this machine.

译文:超过10000名物理学家和工程师 来自全球85个国家 共同在几十年的时间里 建造了这部机器。

6. And so i'll go on. i'm already out of time, but this is Michael Wigler, a very, very clever mathematician turned physicist. And he developed a technique which essentially will let us look at sample DNA and, eventually, a million spots along it.

译文:我会接着讲下去,虽然说我已经超时了。这是迈克尔·威革勒,一个非常非常聪明的数学家。后来变成了一名物理学家。他发明了一项技术 让我们可以观察DNA样本 和沿着它的上万个点。

7. But as a physicist, i thought, well if you give me some data, i could maybe understand this. You know, give us a go.

译文:但作为一名物理学者 我想,如果给我一些数据的话 我也许会理解。因此,我去尝试了一下。

8. i'd use Feynman's trick-- differentiate under the integral sign.

译文:用费曼的窍门 (已故美著名物理学家)。

9. Renowned physicist Alfred Bester, caught in a lab explosion, May of '63.

译文:著名物理学家阿尔弗雷德・贝斯特, 夹在实验室爆炸,对'63五月。

10. Over 10,000 physicists and engineers from 85 countries around the world have come together over several decades to build this machine.

译文:超过10000名物理学家和工程师 来自全球85个国家 共同在几十年的时间里 建造了这部机器。

11. One of the most famous species has been something of a mystery until only a few years ago.

译文:直到几年前 这种著名物种都还是个迷。

12. My guest is a noted physicist and the leading expert on quantum cosmology so please try to avoid wasting her time with female gibber-gabber.

译文:我的客人是著名物理学家 量子宇宙学的尖端学者 所以别总找她叽叽喳喳 耽误人家时间。

13. And what we find if we plot up the well-known species is this sort of a distribution.

译文:以及如果我们这样绘制著名物种的分布 我们会发现什么。

14. Shortly after the Second World War, the famous physicist Enrico Fermi, who was taking part in the Manhattan

译文:二战后不久 曾参与曼哈顿计划制造的 著名物理学家Enrico Fermi。

15. Now, for our "Nuts" specialty, "Sliding Noodles"

译文:那么 Nuts的名物 放流挂面 要准备开始了。

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