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做声用英语怎么说 做声的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-27 11:08:49
  • 853

做声在英语中的翻译是"  to speak",在日常中也可以翻译为"make a sound",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到20个与做声相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   to speak

做声翻译为   to speak。

She was silent, her eyes downcast.


2. make a sound

做声翻译为make a sound。

The headmaster required her to keep silent.


3.   utter

做声翻译为   utter。

They laughed, then fell silent abruptly.


4.   to emit sound

做声翻译为   to emit sound。

示例:"that emit a reassuring image?



1. say nothing(不做声;缄口)

2. hold you noise(住嘴,别做声;保持沉默)

3. grit the teeth(咬紧牙关(表示忍住愤怒、下决心等);忍受痛苦(或不安);锉牙做声,磨牙[亦作 grind one's (或 the) teeth])

4. whisted(n.\n【牌戏】惠斯特(类似桥牌的一种四人玩的纸牌游戏)\nwhist2\n[hwist]\ninterj.\n[古语、方言]嘘!肃静!\nvi., vt.\n(使)保持肃静\nadj., adv.\n安静地(的),不做声地(的)\nn.\n安静[亦作 whisht])

5. frizzs(frizz1, friz\n[friz]\nvt., vi.\n使卷曲,弄卷;使(呢面)卷结;为(某人)卷发,卷起来\nn.\n(头发)卷曲,皱缩\n卷发;呢面卷结;卷毛;蜷缩之物\n变形:\nvt., vi.\nfrizzed\n. frizzing\nfrizz2\n['friz]\nvt., vi.\n煎(或炸)时吱吱做声)


LINE OUT RL ( 做声道后置音频输出 )

Keep silent not say a word in silence ( 不做声 )

as dumb as a statue ( 死不做声 )

line out rl ( 做声儿道后置音频输出 )

LINE OUT RL ( 做声道后置音频输入 )

Sizzles is Completely Not Here ( 嘶嘶做声不在此 )

sniffles sniffling ( 鼻子哼哼的做声 )

hold noise ( 别做声 )


1. We call this instance of injecting the energy, we call it sonication.

译文:我们把注射能量这一步 叫做声波降解法。

2. Just sent you a file to run through audio forensics.


3. [ SNiFFLES ] but then it takes a lot of work to make a real relationship.

译文:[鼻子哼哼做声] 但是当时它拿许多 工作制造一真正的 关系。

4. it's easier for everyone to say nothing.


5. Still thy tongue lest i remove it!


6. Problem is [SNiFFLES] i've had too many right ones come along.

译文:问题是[鼻子哼哼做声]我已经有 一进展的太许多权利。

7. But... he did sound upset... and he did say that he missed you.

译文:但 他做声音打乱 他说 他错过了你。

8. We call this instance of injecting the energy, we call it sonication.

译文:我们把注射能量这一步 叫做声波降解法。

9. i have an echography in half an hour.


10. Did that sound like screams?

译文:这样做声音 喜欢的尖叫声。

11. And poor Arsenio would stumble about


12. introverts, my call to action for you is, i know you like being on your own, i know you like being in your head, but activism needs you, so sometimes you've got to get out there.

译文:内向的人,我呼吁你们采取行动, 我知道你们喜欢独处, 喜欢闷不做声, 但是维权行动需要你们, 所以有时候你必须离开舒适区。

13. Soft you, now... the fair Ophelia.

译文:别做声 美丽的菲丽雅。

14. i've tried not to say anything so far...


15. And will not say anything Though it may be something very important

译文:虽然有一点骄傲也 不做声。

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