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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:19:24
  • 61


1. 词汇

随着雾霾问题的日益严重,相关的英语词汇也愈加丰富,包括雾霾(haze),PM2.5(particulate matter 2.5),空气染(air pollution)等等。


- The city was covered in a thick haze, it difficult to see beyond a few meters.(这个城市被厚厚的雾霾覆盖,只能看到几米远的距离。)

- PM2.5 is a major contributor to air pollution and can have serious health effects.(PM2.5是空气染的主要因素之一,可能对健康造成严重影响。)

2. 句式

在英语中,常常使用被动语态来描述空气受到染的情况,比如“This area is being heavily polluted by factory emissions.”(这个地区正在受到工厂排放物的严重染。)


- The air in the city is being seriously polluted by traffic emissions.(城市里的空气正在遭受交通排放物的严重染。)

- The river has been polluted by industrial waste for years.(这条河流已经被工业废料染了多年。)

3. 文化背景

雾霾在中国是一个非常严重的问题,在英语中也会涉及到相关的文化背景和政策措施,比如“China's war on pollution”(中国的染治理之战)等。


- China has implemented stricter environmental policies in recent years to combat air pollution.(近年来,中国出台了更严格的环保政策来应对空气染。)

- The Chinese government has made progress in tackling the issue of haze, but there is still a long way to go.(中国在解决雾霾问题方面取得了一定进展,但还有很长的路要走。)

4. 表达方法



- The air was thick with smog, like a thick soup that you could barely breathe in.(空气中弥漫着浓郁的烟雾,犹如一锅浓稠的汤,几乎无法呼吸。)

- The city was shrouded in a blanket of pollution, it feel like a dystopian nightmare.(城市被染笼罩,宛如一个末日般的噩梦。)

5. 解决方法



- In order to reduce air pollution, we need to shift towards cleaner energy sources such as wind and solar power.(为减少空气染,我们需要转向更为清洁的能源,如风能和太阳能。)

- Implementing stricter emission standards for factories and vehicles is a key step in the fight against haze.(实施更严格的工厂和车辆排放标准是打赢治理雾霾的关键一步。)

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